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Thursday pondering of an old man........

Greetings one and all. As I sit here this morning consuming my morning ration of the Elixir of Life. I find myself puzzling over the distractions that life throws at us on a daily basis. Having written and published six books you would think that I would have discovered a tried and true method of writing that would stand the rigors of time. That I would be disciplined enough to write when everything is in chaos around me. That I would not allow anything to get in the way of that most important process of writing. Well sadly I find that I am remised it that. I have not been able to put two cohesive words together for well over a month. Of course I have been very busy designing and putting to gather my Vintage Jewelry Store on Etsy and I do live with three dynamic women and four fur babies that each have very different personalities. Well maybe now that the Etsy Store is up and running I will be able to find my way back to the future and work on the “Far Star Trilogy” or revert to the past and work on “Shang, The White Dragon” while continuing to add Vintage Treasures to the Etsy shop. Heck I might even find a few minutes to spare to cut and polish some gemstones and create a couple of nice pieces of hand crafted jewelry.

The Jewelry store can be found at or you can just go to the tab on the menu of this site.

Well I suppose that I should stop now, my fur babies are complaining that they need safari gear to go out in the back yard, and a mouse has manage to disable my washing machine, and my cup of Elixir of Life has mysteriously sprung a leak, big hole in the top that allows fluid to pour out every time I tip it , and I suppose I need to put some pants on and pretend I am alive, and there are about fifty items of Vintage jewelry that are crying out to be photographed and listed in the store, and my word processor is calling out to me to get back to work, and “She Who Must Be Obeyed” just pulled in.

May the Great Architect of The Universe continue to watch over and protect you as you travel down your path of life today and keep you safe.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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