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The Dangers of Time Travel............

Good Morning, all my favorite peeps out there. First, please accept my apology for going MIA for the past month or so. Life has been a bit on the hectic side to say the lease, plus I have been working on my newest book. A historical fiction based on the life of my Grandfather Arno Krause, who jumped ship as a young man in China during the Boxer Rebellion and joined up with the American Forces in Peking. It will tell of his adventures throughout the South Seas and more covering the time period between 1889 and 1910. When he and my Grandmother Maria settled in western Pennsylvania and started raising little Krauses. It has been interesting attempting to stay historically accurate. The way people did things in the early 20th century and late 19th century was drastically different than the way we do things now to say the least. Travel times were longer, social interaction was different. And for that matter thinking was different. The Victorian World was an interesting time. As an example, how many of us now in this day of computers and cellphone have a clue about the bell system on board a sailing ship? Or how long it would take to travel 200 miles on foot and horse back across China? Or for that matter what the seaports of Shanghi, Bora Bora, and Havana looked like in the late 1800’s. The research has been an adventure all on its own. And, proposes to continue to be. My respect for my Grand sire has grown exponentially during this study. But it has been a exciting and enjoyable labor. I am attempting to incorporate the sights , sounds, tastes, and smells into the story to transport my readers into that time period and immerse them more deeply into the life that was back then. Time will tell when I am done if I was successful or not. Last night was a turning point, at 2346 hours I completed the first draft of the first chapter of “Shang, the White Dragon”

Well I guess that about covers it for today.

Again I apologize for missing posting on a regular basis these past month or so.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and may the Great Architect of the Universe keep you safe and watch over you as you travel down your path of life.

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