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 Mr. Krause's first published work is "The Book On Evil, Wicked, Mean & Nasty / A Whimsical Guide to Payback and Revenge" Later works include "The Fine Art of Getting Even" available through and and "The Ancient Wisdom of an Old Shadow Warrior" available in paperback and Kindle through and paperback through Barnes & His most recent work is "The Plucking of the Golden Years Goose" a study on the scams, frauds, and abuses perpetrated against the elderly and how to recognize them and guard against them. New releases are "The Spice Cabinet Apothecary: Natural Health at your Fingertips", "EBook Entrepreneur: Crafting your path to Profit", "The Morning Elixir of Life: The History and Art of Coffee", "The Writer's Odyssey: Crafting your Literary Legacy, A New Writer's Guide Book", "From Words to Wealth, Mastering Freelance Writing", and "The Elderly Trap: Uncovering Scams and Reclaiming Security in the Golden Years"

The Book on Evil, Wicked, Mean, & Nasty
A whimsical Guide to Payback and Revenge



Have you been mistreated by some dastardly cretin and not sure what to do to get back at them?

This book is the answer. The author has spent over six and a half decades developing the methods outlined within.

Let him show you how to extract your revenge!

The Fine Art of Getting Even
A Comical approach to Revenge



Have you been wronged or mistreated by some lowlife piece of pond scum disguised as a human being?

Not sure how to pay that lowlife back? If that is the case then this is the book for you! 

The author has spent six and a half decades devising and perfecting the methods contained within. Let him show you how to extract your bittersweet revenge.

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The Ancient Wisdom of an Old Shadow Warrior


The Ancient Wisdom of an Old Shadow Warrior is an overview of the combat-oriented arts gathered and compiled together to form a reference base and manual for both beginners and "old hands" alike.

The author has spent six-plus decades studying and practicing multiple forms of martial arts. Many of those years have been in the performance of both public and private security.

In this work, he has attempted to clear up some of the fog in the shadows of the martial arts.

Much of what the public knows about the mysteries of martial arts is derived from the movies and television. 

In this work, he has tried to give you the truth without any candy coating on these mysteries. Along with a summary history of the different arts.

The Plucking of the Golden Years Goose: Scams, frauds, and abuses against the American elderly and how to recognize and deal with them.


Today in America and for that matter around the world, we are faced with a problem of epidemic proportions.

The abuse and misuse of our beloved elderly, by scammers, fraudsters, and sadly often by their own loved ones.

In this work, the author will show you how to recognize the “Red Flags” of attempted scams and frauds, how to pick up on the tell-tale signs of abuse, and what to do to protect yourself and your loved ones from them.


The Internet Business Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs & Adventurers: How not to be a Victim of a "Work at Home" Scam.






"How to Find Your Way in the Internet Jungle / A Guidebook for Work-At-Homers"



So you want to work from your home and make a living with an Internet Business. Okay, But before you head out on your Internet safari, read this book!

It will teach you about the dangers and pitfalls that populate the Internet Entrepreneur’s pathway. The author has been in the IT Security business for twenty-plus years. He has learned the “Red Flags” and “Tell Tales” of the many scams that are out there, and will teach you, so that you are forewarned and will not become yet another victim.

The world of Internet business is the electronic equivalent of a jungle. In words made famous in “The Wizard of Oz”, “There are lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” Survival and success are not just based on education. They are both based upon the mastering of survival skills with education.





"The Spice Cabinet Apothecary:

Natural Health at Your Fingertips"

Is an insightful and practical Book that serves as a comprehensive guide to unlocking the potent healing potential of herbs and spices that can be found within your very own kitchen spice cabinet. Written in a friendly and approachable style, this Book takes readers on a        transformative journey through the world of herbal medicine, offering a wealth of knowledge, herbal recipes, and a deep understanding of the seasonal utilization of herbs.

Unleash Your Inner Wordsmith and Build a Thriving EBook Empire!

Are you a passionate writer with dreams of sharing your knowledge, stories, or expertise with the world? Do you long for the freedom to work from the comfort of your own home while turning your words into a source of income? Look no further!

"EBook Entrepreneur: Crafting Your Path To Profits" is your ultimate guide to stepping into the exciting world of eBook entrepreneurship.

Discover the World of Coffee: From Bean to Cup and Beyond

In "The Morning Elixir of Life: The History and Art of Coffee," we invite you to embark on an extraordinary journey through the captivating world of coffee. This book is your gateway to the rich tapestry of coffee history, its profound impact on cultures worldwide, the innovations that have redefined how we enjoy our brew, and the enduring legacy that continues to shape our lives.

A Global Odyssey: Trace the fascinating origins of coffee from the lush hills of Ethiopia to the bustling coffeehouses of Europe. Uncover the diverse traditions and rituals that coffee has inspired in different corners of the world, from the aromatic markets of the Middle East to the cozy corners of Parisian cafés.

Welcome to the literary adventure of a lifetime—a journey that will ignite your creativity, deepen your understanding of storytelling, and empower you to craft your own literary legacy. "The Writer's Odyssey: Crafting Your Literary Legacy, A New Writer’s Guide Book" is your compass, guiding you through the intricate terrain of writing, from the first glimmer of inspiration to the triumphant moment your words touch the hearts of readers.

Imagine stepping into a world where imagination knows no bounds and words have the power to shape entire universes. In this enchanting realm, every story is a journey, every character a friend, and every sentence a brushstroke on the canvas of your imagination.

In the digital age, the power of words has taken on a new significance. In a world where information is king, those who wield the pen skillfully hold the keys to success. Welcome to "From Words to Wealth: Mastering Freelance Writing," your definitive guide to embarking on a journey that offers not just financial prosperity but the freedom to chart your own course.

Freelance writing is more than a profession; it's a gateway to unlimited opportunities. It's the art of transforming thoughts into words and words into wealth. Whether you're a budding wordsmith, a seasoned scribe, or someone simply intrigued by the idea of writing your way to financial freedom, this book is your passport to a realm where creativity meets prosperity.

In the realm of life's unexpected lessons, some are learned through perplexing and, at times, humbling experiences. Such was my own journey into the intricate and often disheartening world of elderly abuse and scams. My hope is that by sharing my personal story and the findings of my extensive research in this book, we can shed light on a problem that affects countless individuals who have reached the age of retirement in America and around the world. In the pages that follow, I invite you on a bewildering journey to uncover the complexities of elderly abuse and scams.

It's a journey that aims to shed light on a pressing issue, foster awareness, and ignite change—a journey that recognizes the importance of safeguarding our elderly loved ones and ensuring their golden years are free from exploitation, filled with dignity, and marked by the respect they richly deserve.

Unlock the Secret to a Life of Success and Profound Fulfillment!

Are you ready to transform your life? To break free from the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary? "The Art of Personal Mastery: A Roadmap to Success and Fulfillment," is your ticket to a world where success is not just measured by external standards, but by the profound fulfillment that resonates deep within your soul.

In this captivating journey, you will discover the timeless philosophy of personal mastery—a philosophy that has guided visionaries, leaders, and seekers throughout history. It's more than self-help; it's the key to becoming the best version of yourself.

Ignite Your Motivation and Achieve Your Dreams

In the rush of everyday life, our dreams often become distant echoes, and motivation feels like a flickering flame on the verge of extinguishing. But what if you could fan that spark into a blazing fire of determination? What if you held the blueprint to reignite your motivation and make your dreams a reality?

"Ignite Your Motivation: Achieve Your Dreams" is your guide to unlocking your full potential and rewriting your life's narrative. This transformative journey takes you through the psychology of motivation, helping you understand how to harness its power to drive every action.

Unlock the Secrets to Lasting Happiness through Meditation!

Are you seeking a refuge of calm in the chaos of life? Yearning for inner peace and clarity in an ever-demanding world? Look no further. " The Serenity Solution: Mastering Happiness through Meditation " is your passport to a journey of self-discovery and transformation, where happiness is not just a fleeting moment but a way of life.

Embark on a Journey of Inner Transformation

In this captivating guide, you'll explore the ancient art and modern science of meditation, demystifying its practice one step at a time. Whether you're a complete novice or have dabbled in meditation before, this book is your trusted companion on the path to mindfulness, compassion, and mental clarity.



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