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Newest member of the ranks

Good morning, as I sit here sucking down my morning fix of that elixir of life, that glorious brew known as coffee, suddenly I realized that I had not posted for a couple of days.

So sorry, but I have been in a bit of a blue funk over the week end. Think it may have been due to the weather, what with the storm , Gordon blowing through and all that. It has been a bit gray here in sunny south west Florida.

So I decided to show you all the newest member of the Napoleonic ranks of my collection. He is a British Life Guard from the Napoleonic era, on horseback. This was one of Dragon's models in 54 mm. And was a lot of fun building and painting. Very detailed, sadly it is in plastic, but still a lot of fun.

I have recently be doing a lot of work on my Napoleonic members. But due to the constraints of a limited fixed income though, I have found myself regulated to working in plastic mostly. But that is okay as there is a large amount of figures out there in that medium. And although they are not as valuable as the medal figures they are every bit as much fun to build and paint.

Recently though, I have discovered a company located in the Ukraine that produces what looks like some nice kits in medal. They are called Ronin Miniatures. I am looking forward to trying out some of their kits.

Well my lovelies, I think I have babbled enough for today, I hope you all have a wonderful day and as I sign off, God Bless you all.

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