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And the Mouse roared.........

So, once again the Great Architect has allowed me to see the beginnings of another day. And, has graced me with that wonderful substance that helps me to get the old juices flowing, that wonder drug, that elixir of life, known as coffee. Life really is good!

It is Friday, and due to the scalding reprimanding glances of my little Jack Russell, Kodiak yesterday morning as he attempted to brave the jungle that was our yard. I was able to get the grass mowed, between the rain drops, so that I did not have to supply him and his pack members, Lexi, Aesop, and Jasper with safari gear.

Maybe just maybe today I can get “She Who Must Be Obeyed” car fixed! It is amazing how high temperatures and high humidity along with old age and a heart condition has slowed me down. Things that I used to do in just a couple of hours, now seem to take me all day to accomplish. Oh well, thus are the joys of retirement.

Today I want to show you some other members of my small warriors army. These brave little souls are also Napoleonic, and are in plastic. This group were made and cast by Hat Miniatures and they are Light Infantry Voltigeurs, which I purchased from Scale Hobbyist on line. The detail is very good with these little guys, and I feel like they turned out very nice. You get 18 figures in the kit and the kit number is #9302.

The Volyigeurs were one of Napoleon’s favorite groups, this may have been due to the fact that no one over the height of five foot five inches was allow to become a member. So, what you had here was a fighting force made up of a bunch of short, hungry, angry, Frenchmen with “Little Guy” syndrome. What’s not to like? On the battle field it would have been likened to a pack of Yorkies coming at you! See the photos below.

Well that is enough rambling for today. Need to get to that *&%^#* car before the grass decides to grow again. I swear in the summer time down here you can almost hear growing between the thunder claps!

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