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Just another Napoleonic figure........

Good morning all of you brave and courageous souls out there. Is not a beautiful day that the Great Architect has given us today to enjoy.

Yes I have had several cups of that glorious acidic brew, that elixir of life, that gift from the Gods, known as coffee.

I really do not have much to say today, but I thought this would be a good time to introduce another member of my miniature army to you all.

He is a German Hussar from the Napoleonic era, and was a Rose Miniature kit that I purchase several months ago on Ebay. Rose Miniatures created some truly wonderful models, they were very detailed and had good crisp castings. I used mostly multiple thin washes and dry brush high lighting with this little guy. I think he turned out very well.

Let me know what you think, please. Add a comment or drop me a line.

As the collection is growing in leaps and bounds I have been giving some consideration to placing some of them up for sale in my store, located on this website. I would appreciate your thoughts and or comments on this plan of action.

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