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And the Birds have it..................

Good morning all my lovelies, Lord what a beautiful day it is this morning here in South West Florida. As I sit out on my patio consuming my morning pick-me-up, the elixir of life, aka coffee. Doting over my over needy four legged, furry children, Aesop, a mini Australian Sheppard, Kodiak, a Jack Russell, Jasper, a Border collie mix and little Lexi- Lu, a little Maltese. I am once again reminded how fortunate I am.

For the past couple of days now a big fat male Cardinal has been joining me for morning reflection. Today in all his crimson glory, he brought his family with him, the little female and three miniature copies of himself. It was pleasant to watch them make short work of the seed in the feeder.

During their breaking of the fast, two squirrels showed up to chase each other up and around the big Mahogany tree in the center of my back yard. Then a pair of little finches arrived to pick up the cast offs from the feeder that the Cardinals had scattered to the ground.

Shoot, we had a regular confab going on. I can only imagine what a morning in Noah’s life must have been like! Then the Politicos of the bird world showed up, a pair of Blue Jays, fortunately no one really paid any attention to their riotous rhetoric.

I can only sit here, and wonder what this world would be like if we People could get on like the god’s wilder critters.

Well I guess that about covers things today, the moral of this is, enjoy the small things in this life more and give thanks for all of the blessings that come your way no matter how small they seem. It helps to increase your happiness and well being.

May The Great Architect of the Universe watch over you as you travel down your path of life and keep you safe.

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