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A Dream Achieved ???????????

Updated: Apr 22, 2019

Good morning all my favorite peeps out there. I am happy to announce that I have finally gotten the long awaited Etsy Store up and running, it is now official . The name of the shop is Dutchs Treasure Chest. The products are; my Handmade wire wrapped jewelry and many signed Vintage Costume pieces that I have accumulated over the years, such as Krammer, Coro, Trefari, Weiss, and such.

Something that you all may or may not know is that I hand cut and polish gemstones and then using the ancient method of wire wrapping to create lovely one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces.

The plan is that at some point in the hopefully near future between the jewelry and my book writing I will start to see a reasonable living. I am really getting tired of hot dogs and Rama noodles (chuckle).

So after reading this, go check out the new shop. Who knows, you might find something you just can not live without. the web address is:

May the Great Architect of the Universe watch over you and keep you safe.

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