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What happens without coffee!!!!

So the other day started off at a dead run at 0-Dark-Thirty in the morning by the crack of noon I was finally able to get started on my daily writing. I try to dedicate at least 5 hours a day to writing as I have several books sitting on the back burner in first draft stage. I decided to update this my lovely Web page to make it a little easier to navigate. At the same time I decide to update the posts to Face Book. And that is when things started going south.

I don't know if I have ever mentioned it before, but I absolutely hate Marketing, sadly I can't think of a stronger word than hate. But unfortunately it is an inescapable task for the Indi writer. Kind of like going to the Dentist. It has to be done. At least if you want to see any returns for your long hours of pounding on the keyboard to create your gems of prose. And so I knuckled down and bit the bullet and started working on uploading all of the data about my newly published books. As things went on things got worse, ever post that I uploaded to Facebook had to be redone at least twice some three times. I just couldn't seem to get it right.

I was making really stupid mistakes. By 1730 hours I was besides myself, that is when I decided to take a break and get a cup of Joe. It was then that I realized that that was the first cup of the Elixir of Life that day. No wonder everything was going to kaka. I had forgotten the first rule of life. Thou shall attempt nothing without first consuming massive quantities of coffee!!

I have got to tell you my peeps it was an eye opening experience. Life without coffee is just plain wrong! I am happy to announce that after several cups of that magical brew everything went smoothly. Within an hour or so I was straightened out on Face Book and our dear Web Page was shining brightly once more, the birds were singing, and life was good.

I came to realize that if The Great Architect ever created anything better than coffee he kept it for himself!

And so all of you wonderful peeps out there, now that the universe has regained balance and disaster has been put down, I will leave you with one last thought............................................................

Never underestimate the power of Coffee!!

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