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Thank God it is Saturday!!!!!!!

So good morning my lovelies, yes I have had several cups of that wonder drug, the elixir of life, known as coffee. I am not real sure at this moment in time and space which category this post will end up in. As I sit here watching my four, four legged children playing with each other, And listening to my youngest two legged child snoring in her room with the door closed and thirty feet at least away. I find my self wondering about the harmony of life.

The oldest of my two legged children being gone as she has had an early day at work, and "She Who Must Be Obeyed" my dear wife having also departed for her day at the "Funny Farm" the house is basically all mine!

According to quantum physics we create our own reality. On a moment by moment basis. If this be true, then I think I may have oops a couple of times!

When I was a younger me I used to wonder "Why am I Here", not so much any more. "She Who Must Be Obeyed" has clarified that question. My soul purpose in life is to drive to the store and back at least five times every evening in rush hour traffic, in the pouring monsoon of Southwest Florida summer months. To purchase multiple things that we most likely could do without! I am so happy that she has answered that burning question in my mind!

Yesterday, I was reminded that my post are somewhat likened to the babbling of an old man. For this I must apologize, at this age it is difficult to keep two thoughts running together on a consistent basis. I guess I have come into the "Aids" generation. You know, hearing aids, eating aids, seeing aids, peeing aids, walking aids, sleeping aids, and so forth. Thank God for Aids!

So okay, I think my friend was right yesterday, I am "Babbling" with that I think I will call this post done.

Oh, one more thing, I thought of a subject for another book the other day. Yes I know I said that I was done for the year. But this is really good! And it is even on a subject that I know a little something about. So what the heck, in between trips to the store I think I'll start working on it.

Have a wonderful day my lovelies, and I'll catch you all later.

Hang in there

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