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In The Beginning there was Coffee, and the Lord said: It is Good!

Updated: Aug 28, 2018

So I don't know about the rest of you out there, but for me there is no life before coffee! I am absolutely useless until I have had at lease my first "pot" of the Elixir of Life. Although I do usual rise at or about 0800 hours every day, I can not in all seriousness say "I am up" until I have consumed at lease four cups of "Black Silk". There in is the reason most of my friends, family and close associates are aware that in my mind I am up at "The crack of Noon" everyday. I think that there is a good chance that I am addicted to that bitter black water.

In the following posts we will be touching base on many different subjects. To start with but not limited to: Writing, Gemstone mining, cutting and polishing, Wire-wrapped jewelry making, Scale model building, and painting, and who knows what else!

So far this year I have accomplished the publishing of four of the books that I have been working on for several years. For some reason I feel good about this. Sadly what I did not realize before I started these projects is that the marketing and promotion of the darn things is harder than the writing. And not nearly as much fun!

But with any kind of luck, and the good Lord willing, and the creek doesn't rise too much, they may start to sell and produce some residual income for this poor old man.

I truly do not know at this moment in time and space where this will go, my dear ones. But I sincerely hope we can have some fun with it.

God Bless and keep you all until the next time.

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